Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tenant Meeting Thursday, August 13th at 8:45 a.m.

All employees and owners are welcome - we just ask that we get an RSVP so we have the right amount of caffeine and sugar available.

There is a large calendar of events that we have planned for the balance of this year and next year. I would like an opportunity to discuss the existing ones as well as some new ones that have been recommended and suggested by the tenants.

For example, discussion of a Customer Appreciation Day - for the First Friday in December - get the locals out here, free gift wrapping, etc.. and get them to shop for the holidays.
Other ideas -- "Don't be a Joker, Play Poker at Tlaquepaque " -- pick up cards at each store upon purchase - when you get a winning hand , the customer wins something....- or January Back Street Sale...Chocolate Walk for Mother's Day....

Here is the point, we are trying to get folks off the couch and down to Tlaquepaque - we would love to have you attend and hear your ideas. If the tenants don't buy into the programs, there is no point for me to spend anytime working on these ideas....

Lastly, everyone should have received a card detailing sales tax charges when shipping in state or out of state.....- when and who should be getting taxed. If the card got lost or buried - please advise and we will get you another one - but since this has been an on-going issues for years- this card is a great tool for all tenants and employees.

Many thanks and we hope to see you there - and let us know if you will attend.

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