Sunday, August 9, 2009

News from Teri Hood

Hello again my precious friends and family,

This week was really hard, monday was more scary news day, and this week was back to back constant testing.

I have a fractured rib and the Oncologist is concerned that it could be in the bones. So, still alot of not knowing. She canceled my surgery for Aug 12th and I'm starting Chemo. today (friday). It is called inflammatory breast cancer and it has grown. We want to shrink the tumor and slow it down before she schedules another surgery.

I am so blessed to have my brother with me. Ben moved to Dewey, AZ. He has been my rock, really taking care of me and letting me have a couple tantrums. I keep judging myself that I am not handling this part so perfectly, he keeps reminding me it's okay and that I am human (not a super hero like I thought). He has even taken over the paperwork for the (sale) limited partnership of my business. My friends have also blown me away, I am so proud of you all. So proud to be your friend and watch you shine your love so bright, I am the luckiest (almost bald) woman in the world. Tlaquepaque pals are planning a BBQ fundraiser (eventually, still doing the sale at my house too).

Just to leave you with some sweet news, one of the tests yesterday was an ultrasound of my heart. The tech said it was a very beautiful heart. It was so wonderful to see my heart, it put alot into perspective. I love my heart, It was colorful, wild and so juicy. I looked for all of you in there and God. It was easy to see the whole world in my strong, beautiful, hard working heart. There isn't any soul separation to see such a miracle, how could there be anything but you, Love, God moving this masterpiece inside my chest.

I am not so good at returning calls, just come over, really. I have sign up sheets at the house if you want to pitch in, the main help will be needed after the mastectomy (which isn't scheduled yet). I know many of you are trying to respect my privacy and hide your tears, Poppy Cock (I just love to say that word, it is alot better than some others that have been generously flying out of my mouth) just get over here. I need your tears and your hugs and you jokes, your authenticity. I hate being alone right now (sometimes I need it). Love is everything, let's express it.

all love, all light, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo loving you, Rev. Teri
PS. ladies go get a mammogram!

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