Friday, April 24, 2009

Jill is on Dumpster Patrol

As we make every effort to help our environment and encourage our tenants to recycle all cardboard, paper, plastic, cans and glass, I find that I must sometimes be on Dumpster Patrol! Since we have so many shops, galleries and restaurants here, there are a large number of employees working at Tlaquepaque. Today we found 8 bags of paper in the dumpster along with a large amount of cardboard. Doing my environmental duty, I was able to remove the cardboard and paper from the dumpster and place the paper and cardboard in the recycling containers. These items will now be used again and will not be sitting in an Arizona landfill for 100+ years.

Please encourage your employees to put their waste in the correct containers. Tlaquepaque struggles to be more green on a daily basis and we depend on all the support from our owners, managers and employees. Do the right thing and Recycle!


  1. Lesley Mckeown / Gifted Hands GalleryApril 24, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    Really this could not be any easier!
    I spent 20 minutes yesterday pulling newspaper out of the trash and
    putting in recycle bin... pulled 4 cardboard boxes from the trash.
    I suspect a majority of these materials are incorrectly disposed of by
    employees. I encourage all owners to remind their employees of the
    importance of recycling.
    After all what is a few minutes compared to the 100+ years it takes
    for these items to decompose in a landfill?
    We are all busy but really!
    Thanks for all your efforts!

  2. Way to go Jill! I have been trying to cull through our trash and get as much as possible into the correct container. Can be challenging as there isn't a way to separate it to begin with (in the store's trash basket)
